Friday, 26 January 2007

Quest 2: Deliver The Amulet - Complete Solution

Quest 2

Active Quest: Deliver The Amulet

After you’ve received your next Quest objective, head SW through the narrow tunnel that is now open and follow it round towards the end. Once you come to the end, quickly collect the goodies from the chest located in a small inlet to the left of the door before unlocking the door with ‘Baurus’s Key’ and heading through into the next room. Once inside, stand on the small circular panel, face it by looking down and enter into the Sewers by pressing the action button.


Walk down the steps in front and take the tunnel on your left to the opposite end. Take out the rat that comes running and then focus on the Goblin located on the opposite side of the sewage slightly to your right. Once you’ve taken him out make your way across the left bridge and head into the next small room in front where you’ll locate another lone Goblin; dispose of him, exit the room, proceed left towards the opposite end and head into the next room on your left. Take out the last rat here and then make your way towards the top of the steps. Head across the bridge towards the gate, walk through and dispose of the sewer rat inside.

Make your way towards the far end of the tunnel towards the gate and STOP!!!

NOTE: I’d advise you to quickly save the game at this point before doing anything else!! Beyond those large steel gates is the outside world, and this is the first and only chance in the game to alter anything and everything to do with your character, from Race, Gender, Class, Birthsign and looks!

Save the game, alter anything you dislike about your character, and then open the gate!

Once you exit the Sewer you’ll notice a bright and colourful world outside of the dark and dingy dungeons, a world of enchantment, magic, strength, and power! But enough of my mumbo-jumbo; turn around so that you’re facing West (W), and take a look in the map situated at the bottom of the screen. You’ll notice a small red triangular arrow indicating the direction in which your next Quest location is; this is an extremely large in-depth world and is very easy to get caught up in trouble or worse, lost! So use your map regularly to locate your next Quest location, as well as taverns, weapons dealers, armourers and many, many more necessary settings. Right then, before heading to ‘Jauffre’ in ‘Weynon Priory’ located to the West, have a quick look around, admired the incredibly detailed scenery and then make your way round the back of the Sewer entrance leading to the SW. Head up the bank, in and around the foliage until you get to the large stone walls of the ‘Imperial City’. Follow the long circular wall round to the left until you come to the bridge leading into the city itself. Cross the bridge and enter the ‘Imperial City, Market District’.

Imperial City

Useful Information About The City:
As I’m sure by now you’re carrying your max-weight limit, it’d be a good idea to sell some of your unwanted items and gain some money in the process. In the ‘Market District’ you can buy and sell items, weapons, armours, potions and numerous other items to the right sort of buyers and sellers; for example, the shop ‘Slash ‘N’ Smash’ will enable you to buy and sell Weapons and Armours, whilst ‘Rindir’s Staffs’ enables you to buy and sell mage’s goods, such as Robes and Staffs. When buying and selling items, always ‘Haggle’ beforehand to get the most of your purchases.

Start off ‘Haggling’ at ‘Buying Items at 150% Value’ and then if they refuse the deal, work your way down in 5%’s! Once you’ve done this, take a look around this particular area of the city, do what you gotta’ do, and then move onto ‘Elvin Garden District’ where you can rest up in numerous different taverns, for example ‘Luther Broad’s Boarding House’ for example. One last thing before moving on, always treat the townspeople with respect – if you want to take the good path that is – as not doing so will inevitably increase your ‘Bounty’, get you arrested by the Watch Guards, turn the to
wnsfolk against you and therefore people will ultimately trust you less, which will in turn affect the games outcome! Phew, did you get al that?

Familiarise yourself with the town and then head West towards Weynon Proiry in search of Jauffre. If you don’t fancy the long trek – and it is a long trek – then enter the ‘Map’ menu screen, scroll West (Left) with the right analog stick, and click on the Weynon Priory marker – the one with the red triangle placed over it – to automatically transport - or ‘Fast Travel’ - yourself to that location!

Weynon Priory

When you reach Weynon Priory located in the city of ‘Chorrol’ – no matter how you got there, being it walking or ‘Fast travel’ – head into the ‘Weynon House’, which is just behind the well in town.

Once inside Prior Maborel will confront you and ask what it is that you want. Baring in mind that you need to speak to Jauffre, I’d be polite and reply with the second option ‘I must speak to Jauffre.’ Make your way up the stairs and go talk to Jauffre who is sat behind his desk reading a book. Engage in conversation with him and [Give Jauffre the Amulet]. After receiving some alarming information about ‘The Gates Of Oblivion’, Demonic Lords called Daedra’s, and some distressing news about the Heir to Throne, you may ask Jauffre a few more questions about some interesting topics. Make sure that you ask about ‘Assistance’, as this will enable you to receive some useful items and weapons from Jauffre himself. Remain here until he unlocks the chest on the floor and then simply help yourself! It’s not much but, even if you don’t use the items, you can always sell them – cheeky!

Quest 2: ‘Deliver the Amulet’ Complete

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