Thursday, 25 January 2007

Quest 1: Tutorial - Complete Solution

Getting Started!

Getting started is simple; merely follow the on-screen instructions to create your character before beginning the actual Main Quests!

Before actually setting off on your Quest to prevent Cyrodiil from destruction, tyranny and evil, you’ll be required to create the basic attributes of your character; this is only the basic look of your character for now and can be altered later in the game - as well as your Class, Birthsign and Skills - before setting out into the big-wide world! Create your characters Race, Gender, Name and looks, from the tone of their skin to the smallest wrinkle on their face.

Have fun with this in-depth section of the game as it gives you a chance to really personalise, not just your character, but also the entire outcome of the game!

Main Quest!

Quest 1
Active Quest: Tutorial

Imperial Prison

Lets begin! After you’ve created your ideal character you’ll notice that you’re imprisoned in a small cell, how lovely, that’s a nice way to begin the game! At this precise moment in time, there’s nowhere to go, so I’d advise you to play around for a minute or two and get an understanding of the button configuration before making your way over towards the cell-door. Remain here for a minute whilst listening to the rude and obnoxious cellmate across the hall. He’ll mock you in a fairly comical way until the three guards and Emperor Uriel Septim appear from the stairs to right, at which point he’ll stop with the abuse and the guards will advise you to stand well away from the door - over by the window. Follow these instructions and wait by the window until the small group enter your cell. The Emperor will now head in your direction and start up an important conversation with you.

Listen carefully to what has happened and what’s to come. The Emperor’s Son has been assassinated and Emperor Uriel fears that he is next; ask the questions that appear on screen – it doesn’t matter which order you ask them in, as you’ll have the opportunity to ask them all one way or another anyway – until the conversation comes to an end and Captain Renault opens the door to the secret passage, located to the right of the Emperor. Now, follow the group down through the dark tunnel until you come to a well-lit area and an ‘Auto-Save’ location. Four assassins will now ambush you from either side and go for the Emperor, but the guards of course have it covered! Later on in the game I’d usually say, “Go on my son, get stuck in…have it!” but baring in mind that you’re un-armed at this point, I’d probably stay well away. The battle will be over shortly and it seems that the group is a man-down, actually to be precise, a woman-down! Head over to Captain Renault’s body, stand over it and press the action button (A) to search the corpse. Collect the ‘Steel Short Sword’ and the ‘Torch’ and then search the assassin’s body’s for any useful items – Potions for example. Leave the ‘Mythic Dawn Robes’ and ‘Hoods’ as they are worthless and will only weigh you down once you collect more valuable items further on in! Once you’ve finished collecting, follow the Emperor and the guards down the steps until they order you to find another way round. Immediately after this, turn to right – Southeast (SE) – and quickly take out the two rats that come crashing through the crumbling wall. Block their attacks by pressing the LT button and slash them to pieces by pressing the RT button repeatedly! Stand over the remains of the giant rats and collect the ‘Rat Meat’ before heading through the deteriorated wall and into the subsequent room. Before searching this room for ‘goodies’, quickly slice up the final rat to clear the room of all hostile targets and again gather up the Rat Meat.

Now then, open the chest directly to the right of where you first entered this area and collect the useful items within. Search the box to the right of the well to obtain some more useful items and weapons. Make your way over towards the skeleton located directly opposite the well and collect the ‘Rough Leather Shield’ and ‘Rusty Iron Bow’ from the ground. Search the skeleton and collect all the handy items from it and then open up the ‘Sack’ located to its left. One last thing before leaving this area deeper into the tomb is to Picklock the chest next to the skeleton - this is good practice for later, more difficult chests. Now, head over towards the Goblin located to the left of the well, strewn across some rubble and collect the ‘Iron Key’ - along with more useful items – which will in turn unlock the wooden door behind! Get used to searching everything in areas such as these, like chests, sacks, bodies and other objects later on in the game, such as barrels and crates etc. This’ll become second nature to you soon and you’ll receive lots of useful items, including RARE items and weapons further on into the game! Lets continue.

Imperial Substructure

Equip your torch when inside, if not already equipped, and take out the lone rat up ahead. Open the chest in the centre of the room, collect what’s inside and head down the slope to the Northeast (NE). Halfway down the slope, two rats and a Zombie will head in your direction, “a Zombie you say!?”, yes a Zombie! These walking corpses are in fact extremely easy unless you’re foolish. Take out the rats first and then work on the Zombie. Collect the items from the corpse of the rats, or the corpse…of the corpse of the Zombie and then continue down the slope. Follow the corridor round to the left until you reach the next small room. Take care of the rat here and then open the chest to your right. Again follow the passage round to the left and slice ‘n’ dice the next two rats up ahead. Move on into the subsequent larger room and turn left - sticking to the higher level. Located to your left at this point – hidden under a broken wall – is another chest; this time, the pick-locking situation is slightly more difficult, as there are now three segments of the lock to be picked. Once you’ve either successfully unlocked the chest, given up or ran out of picklocks, jump down to the lower level and head further into the room.

Take out the two rats that come running and collect any useful items surrounding the skeleton in the centre of the room; at this point you may have to make a decision on which items you wish to keep and which items you wish to dismiss to abide by your weight limits: simply drop any items that are low in value and continue forwards to the Northwest (NW). Open the chest in front and then head up the steps to the left. Follow the corridor round once again and take out the rat in the following room. Head down the subsequent slope - search the Sack to your left – and make your way into the next room. Collect the items from the barrel located in the far wall and then continue through the narrow man-made passage leading SE. Follow it through into the next room, turn right and search the skeleton on the ground for useful items. Open the chest to obtain the Potions and then make your way towards the opposite door, SW of your current position. Try harvesting some useful ingredients from the nearby Mushrooms and other plant-like-fungus substances before heading through the wooden door into the ‘Natural Caverns’.

Natural Caverns

Walk down the slope and into the next room. Head round to the left and press the Left Analog stick down to enter ‘Sneak Mode’. There’s a Goblin up ahead roasting a rat on a spit; creep behind him and continue following the rock indentations to the right. Stupid green ogre! When the next room becomes visible, a Goblin Skirmisher will head your way and a battle will commence!

These ugly creatures aren’t that tough, simply block with your shield and slice him up. After about 5 or 6 hits, the Goblin will hit the deck, allowing you to collect any useful items it may have. Proceed into the room, turn left and follow the wall round to the right where you’ll locate another ‘Very Easy’ chest. Picklock it, collect what’s inside and head SE where you’ll locate numerous stacked logs positioned to the top of a slope; peer round the left side and you’ll notice two Goblins at the base of the slope. Now then, lets have some fun, quickly hit the action button (A) and send the logs tumbling down on top of them before they have time to say “what the?!”. Make your way to the bottom, search the Goblins and the chests and then proceed through the left tunnel leading into the next room. This large area seems to be the Goblins lair and is packed full of the hideous beasts so don’t get careless and go in all guns blazing, or in this case, all swords slashing! Enter into the room and take out the first Goblin directly in front of you. Doing this should bring the second Goblin into play that will come from the pit below; take this one out and then – like always - search the bodies. Head right, SE, and slice up the next Goblin up ahead. From here, turn left, NE, and start up a fight with the next Goblin standing around the cauldron. This ones a Goblin Witch and is slightly tougher than the previous ones. She can cast a few basic spells but nothing too drastic. Tackle this fiend like any other and track her wherever she goes, as she does have a tendency to backtrack and cast range-spells! Again, collect anything useful she may have – ‘Goblin Shaman Staff’ if you’re lucky - and then open up the chest to the left of the cauldron. Proceed North and open the final chest on this level located behind the fenced-off area and collect anything you think you may need from inside. Finally, before leaving this hellhole, drop down into the death-pit located in the centre of the room and take out the three rats scurrying about down here. Now, when you’re finished in this area, head for the exit tunnel, NE of your current position and follow it round towards the next door.

Imperial Subterrane

Walk through into the subsequent corridor and drop down into the next hallway through the hole in the wall. Head up the small flight of steps to your right and then drop down onto the lower level to regroup with the Emperor and his guards. The Emperor will now spark up another conversation with you and you’ll be required to select a ‘Birthsign’ of your choice.

Each Birthsign has a different purpose and gives off different abilities for certain Races; for example, if you’ve chosen to be a ‘Nord’ and therefore tackle battles using Melee attacks, then ‘The Warrior’ Birthsign will prove most effective; however if you’ve decided to be a ‘Breton’ and therefore tackle battles using spell-craft, then ‘The Mage’ Birthsign will prove most effective to you. You get my drift?

NOTE: Remember, that later on in the game, just before exiting out into the world of Cyrodiil you will be permitted to change everything about your character if you so wish, so if you fancy a change, don’t panic as this is only temporary - if you want!

Select the sign that you wish to be born under and then click ‘Done’. Converse a bit more and then follow the Royal group into the next large room. Head down the steps and help take out the two Hooded Assassins on the lower level. Search the bodies for Potions and proceed in the same direction as the Emperor. Again, assist in taking out the next two Assassins here and then head through the wooden door towards the top of the small flight of steps.

The Sanctum

Proceed into the subsequent room, down the steps and wait while Glenroy informs you that the gate is locked, at which point, follow them through the narrow passage and into the small room where the Emperor will remain whilst you fend off multiple incoming Assassins, yes that’s right, multiple incoming Assassins! Follow Glenroy and Baurus outside and defend yourself the best you can. The Assassins come from the higher levels, both left and right, so be on the ready at all times!

Head back to the Emperor quickly to receive some valuable information and the ‘Amulet Of Kings’. Immediately after talking to the Emperor, an Assassin will inevitably sneak up on him from behind and, funnily enough, assassinate him. This is unavoidable, so continue the battle until you’ve eliminated all Hooded Assassins. Baurus will then engage in conversation with you and you’ll be required to choose a Class that you wish to be.

NOTE: Again, don’t panic, if you fancy a change, you’ll be able to alter this shortly after, along with anything else that you may not be happy with!

So, simply read the following Class options and select the appropriate one for your style of fighting and Race, or better yet, ‘Customise’ your own Class. For example, if your Race is a Dark Elf, then the ‘Battlemage’ Class will suit you down to a tee. After you’ve chosen a Class or customised your own, you’ll receive a Key from Baurus.

Quest 1: ‘Tutorial’ Complete

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